2025 Arc Exposure
First Session: January 21-22, 2025 Second Session: January 23-24, 2025
"Passing of the Torch for the Future"
This event is for high school welding instructors and students and will be presented by Miller Electric and Hobart Bros. They will be covering new technologies in SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW processes. Techniques for equipment set up, power sources, common welding programs, and safety will be covered on each process. There will be classroom lecture, questions and answers, as well as a laboratory portion involving all of the processes.
There are only 25 instructor and 100 student spots for each two-day session. Must have one instructor for every four students. We will start out with one instructor and four students for each school. Once each school has received an available spot, you can request to bring additional students and instructors. Maximum is two instructors and eight students per school. No exceptions.
If you have questions or would like to be placed on the email list for 2025 Arc Exposure, please contact Melanie Flaherty at 530.895.2501 or email
- Arc Exposure Flyer
- Steps to a Successful Arc Registration
- Arc Exposure Registration Link- 2024 Event is Full
- Field Trip Excursion Notice
- Field Trip Acknowledgement and Assumption of Potential Risk
- Arc Exposure Outline and Schedule - Instructor
- Arc Exposure Outline and Schedule - Student
Content Editor:
Annalisse de Vroome